Nos sentimos satisfechos de recibir el Premio International Star for Quality (ISAQ) otorgado en Ginebra, Suiza a Comconnect SRL por Business Initiatives Directions en reconocimiento a la calidad de nuestros servicios, y a nuestra contribución en términos de liderazgo, calidad, innovación y excelencia, basados en el Modelo QC100 de Gestión de Calidad Total (Total Quality Management). Gracias a nuestros clientes
In order to stimulate the development of economic housing in the Dominican Republic, the government has implemented a Trust structure (Fiducia/Fideicomiso) that allows land owners, project developers, construction companies and investors to collaborate in a structured and safe way, benefiting from a broad variety of Tax Exemptions. ComConnect has already advised various parties on applying this Trust structure, and has developed in-depth
On the 10th of December 1014, the board of the European Chamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic, has appointed our Director Hans Witsenboer, as their new president.